
Colors or colours (though not accepted as per ms word2007, as I realized now) however u wanna spelt it has created this-eehhh colorful world:D:D:D!! My childhood was flaunted with innumerous colors like the “green”ery andd the yellow flowers andd the brown street dogs and the pink raincoats anddd even the red mickey mouse under wears that krish aka Chetan Bhagat wears it with pride☺☺☺. But the choice of colors did have an effect on the character judgments….didn’t they?? Don’t they??? Like red, when chosen would be deemed as the color of cruel blood suckers or rogues or even pain!!!To disapprove their despise I had to choose better ones. Glistening colors like yellow had always caught everyone’s eyes. But then some pain-in-the-neck guy clichéd yellow yellow DIRTY fellow”. It just gets onto my nerves. Just the name “dirty” would disgrace my little-tittle heart THEN, though now “dirty” has its own doctrine of privilege:-p u know what I mean:-p:-p:-p

Then came darkness into my teens. Batman inspired me black. Then on there was no looking back. Everyone have their own choice of colors. Like blue or brown or green or any %^&#$.... some like ranbir kapoor might even prefer pink (in the song “she is a small town girl”;)). NO ISSUES. But some make judgements… poor perverted judgments. After watching rockstar u wouldn’t even think of it. U know what I mean… u call men loving pink as GAYS… urghhh..

MR A says “black…. Color of men.. of free minded…” BUT BUT BUT.. most women just fancy black. Have doubts?? Phone ur gf and she will start rambling about her new handbag, purse, hair band, clips, mobile pouch, lipstick ,bikes so on and so forth. You might even doze off listening to her flattery, but one name that goes on and on would be.. no not u BUT BLACK!!lol okie lipsticks-black were a pinch too much to take I know;););) Women nxg just love black. Exceptional cases still stick onto pink to show the “girl power” (still they haven realized what it is though:-p).

Their craze for black has gone to such extent that who knows, they might even start toying with gorilla dolls rather than pinky-milky teddies:D

Bygone are the days when black dresses n black cats were considered bestial or “kaetta sagunam” . Nowadays I find men women everyone wearing black to temples. They consider it as the the new sex symbol when sabarimala devotees consider it as the symbol of simplicity☺☺☺.

When men do things that women like or do he is called a gay… but when women like n do what men do what do u call it??? Act of bravery??? She would even name it as “general taste” and a few goofed up guys accent her thought. If this is how things are,then one must blatantly spit it out that girls referring other girls as “machi” are LESBOS.. WILL U??? they throw tantrums when we throw such conundrums.. it always happens!!!! My gamut of emotions are relentless on such a topic.. so where was I .. yaa colors!!!

Final-ah ena solla vara??? This is your question rite???In a democratic country we have the right to choose which ever color we want and despite being a democratic country you don’t have the right to comment on my path and preferences.. YES PATH AND PREFERENCES:-P


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